Friday, August 26, 2011


Myself, the other youth director, and our Senior Pastor had the opportunity to stay in this ger for four days. Ulaanbaatar (Pictured Below) has around a million people, 70% of which live in the ger district surrounding the main part of the city with no running water.
 The odd shaped sail looking building you can see in the distance is downtown Ulaanbaatar.  There is only one street that goes though the nation"s capital.  The colorful topped buildings you see in the picture are all part of the ger district.
 Driving to see a bunch of kids at an orphanage.  The government kicks the orphans out of the city for the summer and bus them off to the middle of the country side. 

 This is about 5 km outside the city.  In Mongolia there are no fences that claim land and all the land belongs to the people so you can't get yelled at for trespassing.  We swam though this river then hiked to the top of those mountains. 

I don't think I've ever seen more open uninhabited land!